I am sorry I campaigned vigorously and voted for this clueless and direction-less government. Ask me why?
I have been totally disappointed because my expectation has been dashed. The government was over rated.
Till now, no fiscal direction except blame game.
The people are really suffering and I can't pretend to say all is well that they should endure when those we voted in live in opulence wealth.
Even the government we voted out never make basic necessity of life far reaching to the common man despite being adjudged corrupt.
I am sick and tired of anti opposition fight of the government as it has reached an alarming rate that they are not even hiding it again but doing it with impunity as a result of continued exhibition of brainlessness by their moronic brainwashed followers.
Only result separate every politicians from one another as they all would have one thing or the other to say. So, the result we have seen thus far in the last one year is enough for me personally to say, this government is a total failure.
This is a failed and clueless government.
I am sorry I voted this kind of government.
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