To a greater extent, this adage goes a long way affecting the sovereignty and unity of Nigeria as an independent state, " A house divided against itself cannot stand".

To start with, as a Nigerian one should take it as a responsibility to ask him/herself daily this salient question: Are we really united in Nigeria? Personally, I believe that Unity is more than a word of  mouth. Unity is loyalty and solidarity because if one does not stand for one thing one would fall for everything. Based on this, it is also pertinent to ask, how loyal are we to the unity of Nigeria and are we in total solidarity for its continuous existence? these and many other questions keep ringing bell in my ears daily.

Daily, Nigerians are being murdered in cold blood yet it seems to the leadership of our Nation that all is well but to every innocent Nigerians we know that, all is not well. Should we say our leaders have failed to stand for something or they are clueless? If I am to answer this question I will say they have refused to stand for something and that thing is "UNITY".

You will agree with me that so far so good, the leadership of this country has lost focus in standing for the unity of Nigeria because in all areas that portrays unity we have failed to be united. Most of the things that brings people together such as sport, politics and leadership, we have failed to make them stand. In sport, our people are not united due to long years of neglect. In politics, everyone is divided due to long years of greed and divided interest and in leadership, there had been across board failure in all ministries, institutions and even private institutions and religious institutions have all together failed in leadership styles. These and many more has lead to over all neglect of Nigerians leading to persistence poverty among the people, as a result, the build up of insurgence group in all regions of the country.

I will also use this medium to correct the statement credited recently in the media to the President, commander in chief of the armed forces of the federal republic of Nigeria, Dr Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan that poverty is not the reason behind  Boko Haram Insurgence. Mr President sir, you are wrong on your assertion. "A hungry man, they say is an angry man". I implore Mr President to look deep into this adage and see reasons behind consistence increase in the number of the membership of Boko Haram despite the effort the government has put in place to fight the menace. It is also pertinent to point to the fact that if there is unity in this country, you and I would care to ensure that our brothers and sisters are liberated from poverty.

Having mentioned lack of unity as the major problem bedevilling Nigeria and having related it to poverty, the question then is, how can the unity of Nigeria and the reduction of poverty bring an end to Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria?

First of all, the six geopolitical zones of the country must be united. The leadership of this zones must come together to harness maximally the resources at their disposal to benefit the lives of their people and also to defend their territory against external influences. If we look critically well at the boundary of Nigeria you would agree with me that the country is connected to other nations in Africa through the geopolitical zones. This is where the usefulness of the governorship forum come into play and important. It is a wrong notion for anyone to say the governorship forum is a bane to the nations development. I say, it is a welcome development and should continue to exist.

In order to achieve peace and possible stop to Boko Haram insurgence in the nation, I would suggest and advice that the entering  point to all the states of the federation and the borders connecting all the geopolitical zones should be well guarded because these are route to influx of other nationals of our nearby country who are in search of good living into Nigeria. Considering the level of poverty in Africa as a whole, you know what happen when poverty minds interact together, they emanate evil imagination.

The government should as a matter of urgency create more Job opportunity in order for the standard of living of the people to be improved upon and drastic poverty reduction, increase educational funding and invest more in agriculture in order for food supply to be increased. In addition, government should mandate banks and other private financial institutions to encourage Nigerians by giving out soft loans to people in order encourage vocational investment and training.

In conclusion, if unity is assured, poverty reduced to the barest minimum level, our borders secured through geopolitical and states security synergy, Agriculture and Education are well funded there will be drastic and immediate stop to Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria.

Article written by: Akande Akin Sanyaolu


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