Your Excellency
Dr GoodLuck Ebele Jonathan(GCFR)
President,Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Dear President,

This is to pass a message of peace and reason to you, Mr President. I may be right or wrong in my perceived reasons but I implore you sir, to sieve this letter and make better use of the areas that may sound reasonable to you.
Having looked critically at events from early 2011 before the Presidential election of the same year, I have decided to pass this little information across to you after weighing your mistakes and right steps taken thus far. I believe this letter will serve a lesson that will ensure polity stability in future for Nigeria before and after the coming 2015 general election.
Your excellency, let me remind you that the general public still believe that the PDP constitution speaks of zoning formula and it was on such platform former president, General Olusegun Obasanjo (GCFR) became number one citizen of Nigeria in 1999 with the perception and beliefs within PDP that power would be handed over to the North by 2003 at the end of his first tenure. Unfortunately, Obasanjo spent full eight years and handed over leadership of the Nation in 2007 to the North through an election that was adjudged rigged by Umar Musa Yar Adua himself as the President. It was because of the eight years OBJ spent in office that makes him ensure that power was handed over to the North and this was proven during OBJ's tenure by the efforts of his deputy, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, truncating OBJ's third term agenda.
Believe you me sir that this PDP zoning agreement was never clear or understood by many Nigerians but to only PDP and the Northern cabals. Remember also sir, that Alhaji Atiku Abubakar was also part of the founder of PDP and that was why he was hell bent on securing power based on his knowledge of the zoning formula. Though Atiku Abubakar came from the North yet he was not allowed to achieve his dream to be the number one citizen of Nigeria. This also was a rational political move by OBJ to ensure stable polity.
Mr President Sir, do accept this fact that, based on the political history of Nigeria, there had never being a situation where a Vice President became a President or a Deputy Governor became a Governor but all these happen to your person in less than a decade political experience being a University Lecturer. Therefore, you should appreciate God for this fit and let peace reign in Nigeria. I know you would want to ask if you have not being maintaining peace... Sir, it is an obvious situation for all of us as Nigerians to accept the fact that there is no peace in the land. The present daily killings and suicide bombings in the North and the instability in your ruling party is enough reason to say the Nation is in chaos due to the magnitude of the negative impact all these have had on the economy as a whole, locally and internationally.
Mr President, Know that even if you vie for the presidency in 2015, the 2015 will definitely come and go and either good or bad your tenure will surely be compared to that of your predecessor and successor. We all know that there cannot be success without a successor. On this note sir, I implore you to look for a successor and allow your tenure's comparism to others be based on this tenure only. Personally, I believe you have tried because not all administrative challenges are seen by the electorate and as such in most cases it always seem as if there is a communication gap. And thus far, despite your lapses, your administration remain the only one in the history of Nigeria that has expose the rot in the Nation's NNPC and some other Ministries. In your leadership, we have seen how pension fund was embezzled, how subsidy fund had always being stolen, unwarranted wavers in oil revenue, Judicial anomaly and many others. It is also in your tenure Agriculture has so far being encouraged greatly among Nigerians through the issuance of soft loans to corps members(WAP) and the YOUWIN entrepreneur initiative to various enterprising Nigerians. The better part of your right steps is in appointment, where you ensure that aggrieved and vulnerable regions are more nominated as Ministers.
Sir, at this point, I want you to act wisely even though you missed it the first time which resulted in the bloody frustration of your administration. Sir, I want you to recount the events prior to the emergence of  Alhaji Umar YarÁdua as President. Was it not known to OBJ that Yar'Ádua would not have finished that tenure? It was obvious and glaring due to the unstable health of Yar'Adua but OBJ still handed over to him in order to ensure stable polity in exchange for the Northern war which you missed in your first mistake and has affected Nigeria greatly leading to loss of thousands of lives, money and material resources, thereby portraying us negatively to the international community.
Mr President, this mistake of yours started when you vehemently explained the Nigerian constitution in place of the PDP constitution to us before the 2011 general election, pertaining to the right of anyone to vie for the post of the President. And you further made it clear then that there was nothing like zoning formular in PDP. But with the spate of things then, we all believed that there is zoning in PDP but constitutionally speaking it should not have applied to the leadership of  Nigeria but PDPrially it was acceptable. The argument then was that, the cabals in PDP wanted you to hand over power to the North  so that a Northern person would complete the tenure of Yar'Adua and its second tenure. Sir, that was where discretion was needed for one to politically permutate for the peace of the Nation as against personal interest albeit one's constitutional right to vote and be voted for. Believe you me sir, by now, if you had allowed this, you would have still be the Vice President and definitely would have been the prefer candidate for 2015 general election and there would have been an appreciable level of peace in the land. 
Mr President, let us accept that you did the right thing constitutionally but so far, it has not help us as a Nation because of the chaotic situation and blood letting we have had to contend with since you assumed office.
At the moment sir, my advice to you as a Nigerian that want peace and progress for our dear country, is that, it is better you do not allow power to control you. The position you are now, let it not cover your reasoning sir. Any day any time, you will always remain Goodluck Ebele Jonathan not President GEJ. To me, you are made already and your generation to generation can never lack again.  What you have achieved for yourself and family, I believe would cater for your generations yet unborn and posterity will judge your tenure in office either good or bad.
Your Excellency, I would love you to embrace the idea of selecting someone of North-central extraction within the PDP and give him the necessary solidarity in order to quash the power hustling spirit of the core North. To a greater extent, this will stabilise the polity because you would have established a level playing field by so doing among major interest groups in Nigeria.
Sir, if you look critically at the present problem within the PDP you would realise that it is as a result of the speculations that you want another four years in office knowing fully well that you have used part of the North tenure according to PDP agreement though not constitutional to Nigeria as a Nation.
In conclusion, Mr President, ensure you do not vie for re-election in order to strike a balance among all regions of the country. Doing this will bring peace and our Nation's goals would be achievable in due time. This is just my opinion and it is subject to an open debate and reasons from Nigerians.
Thank you.
Akande Akin Sanyaolu
Director, Boldan Agro Ventures


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