How possible is it for one to bag such a honour as the theme of this writeup?

My experience yesterday along Abeokuta new road along the Lagos ibadan express way gave me a clear understanding  of the level of nonchalant attitude in our society and self reliance mentality that we have built over the years but has turned us to being inhuman to ourselves in Nigeria.

I left Abeokuta for Lagos around 8pm and after 15minutes drive away from the new president muhammadu buhari estate, my car throttle got stuck. I couldn't rave the car any more but the car could move at about 2km/hr. Because I was alone in the dark of the night around thick bushes and sounds of birds and squirrels, I decided not to stop at that pace until am close to a help.

While moving I called my mechanic to ask for possible solution but he wasn't picking his calls. I call my sister she wasnt picking hers too but I realised later that she was actually observing prayer. After about 30minutes, I saw a stationary car ahead of me and on getting there, there were 5 people all dressed in the same attire. I guess they were coming from a party and their car developed fault too so, I was happy I won't be alone but the happiness only lasted for about 3minutes because it wasn't  long I arrived that their car came back alive. I initially thought they had a mechanic among them considering the dexterity they were using in getting the car fixed. On inquiry of a possible assistant and solution to my predicament, the elderly among them responded almost immediately that ah! Ko si mechanic ni around o! Meaning there's no mechanic around. He went further to say there was one with them some minutes ago but he said it's late so, he left them for his home. I didn't give up! I quickly explain the problem of my car to them and the same man said since its not an engine problem that if I continue my snail-like movement I should be able to get to a close by village. Within me I thought since their car engine had cameup they would move with me slowly so as to be protected. My brother, they zoomed off ni o! It was only their back light I was seeing till it disappeared into thin air.

I summoned courage, continued my slow movement and at the same time I was praying, binding and casting. In fact, I was quoting the scripture and almost speaking in tongue and alas I met another people with broken down vehicle. This time two grownups men at the other side of the road. I stopped and crossed over to meet them. Immediately I was making that attempt, one of them was shouting ta ni yen o! Meaning who's that? I responded sharply ah! Mo need help ni o! Meaning I need your help. One responded that ah! We too need help. Our fuel pump is damaged and the other one was on phone placing serious curse on his mechanic. He said the mechanic claimed to have replaced the pump with new one but in real sense he didn't. I stood there with them for about 10minutes after which I summoned courage to check my car's fault by myself.

I crossed to where my car was and I opened the booth and the safe for any mechanical equipment. I found a plier and a screw driver but I didn't know what to do but I kept on meditating and almost immediately, I remembered that my mechanic had once adjusted something before around the throttle cable area when working on the injector. It was the throttle cable bolt threaded around the cable and linked to a metal panel. It was already stiffened due to friction and long term fixation. I went back to the boot and got a lubricating oil. I loosened the bolt from the panel and cable. Got it lubricated and fixed it back. Immediately I raved the throttle the car responded simultaneously. I was so excited but the night had been so dark. No one moving vehicle cares to stop to offer a help.

I thanked God for a divine intrusion in my psyche because I was really destabilised due to the time everything happened.

While on the way back home, my mechanic called and I explained to him everything that transpired. He hailed me and congratulated me that I have proven to be a fast learner in mechanical issues but that he will still check it on Monday.

Not quite long, my sister too called and I explained to her. On her part she praised God and said she was sorry for calling late though she saw my call but she was observing evening prayers. We bade ourselves goodbye.

I learned a lot in this little dangerous experience in that, whenever mechanics work on our cars we should endeavour to observe whatever they are doing but though I still thank God that it was one I was able to handle.

The second lesson is that in any situation one should ensure not to speak negative to the challenges but way out. I also discovered that the dignity of human person in our society has been lost.

I thank God for his protection over me and his continued undying reality to always create a way for me in difficult times.

The experience may seem so little but many lives have been lost through similar situation. I was scared but was still stubborn to be bold and help came from most high using me myself.

Happy Sunday to us all.
This is my archive.


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