Instead of President Buhari seeking "SWEEPING POWERS" to induce the economy towards recovery, can he just listen to Rosaline Fadipe here ehn? Jack Obinyan-Obaseki... you hear? Rosaline Fadipe 's suggestions - Attn: Jack Obinyan-Obaseki 1. Lower Interest Rates, they have at the beginning of this month, been raised by another 2% that in itself, is spiraling us further into hyper-inflation.....and at the same time lower Uncertainty with Uniform and gradual Policies, as Businesses are sitting on piles of Cash due to our CBN Governor constantly tinkering with our policys and no clear Strategy......and have proper Corporate Tax reform so we can woo foreign Businesses back. 2. Inject money into the Banks(or purpose tailored Funding Institutions) i.e. Quantitative Easing..... as Chino Obasi suggested, but give strict guidelines for Lending and any Bank branch that flouts the guidelines should have its Branch Manager sacked immediately..... 3. Lending preferences sh...