Let me share some scenario on how we can conquer poverty in this country.
1. Education: Every aspect of our society needs education,the home, religious organisations, government institutions and agencies. What kind of education do we need? We need more of informal education than formal education. Many of our people are academically sound but lacking in informal exposure. Our people need morals. Our people need sound social interaction, values and embracement of our cultural heritage. Our people need a lot of reorientation and be told the truth through various government orientation agencies.
2. Government societal closeness: Our political leaders are far away from our people. An average political representative in local government, house of assembly, reps, senator etc does not know what's happening in his constituency.
3. Entitlement Mentality: This is not related to demanding our right from government. We all have the right to demand dividends of democracy. The entitlement mentality I'm talking about here is synonymous to bribery. An average Nigerian selected or appointed or employed to man a position always fill he has right to your pocket. This attitude only builds laziness. This is most profound in d police force and almost government agencies and even in private establishment.
4. Commensurate Earning: All over Nigeria, every paid employment is not commensurate to the people's earning and most Nigerian employer are comfortable to owe workers even in public service. This mentality is carried from private businesses of politicians struggling to survive to political offices leading to many of them owing millions of workers salaries.
5. Dignity of Labour : Our labour system is classless. In Nigeria, millions of degree holders are receiving olevel or primary school certificate holders salary. There's no standard in our earnings therefore, no assurance of an assured future. This is the major reason why you see many grownup not being able to settle down as a family man or woman. The government now make it worst with an embarrassing N-power job that breeds subjugation of the potential of our graduates. Daily, the government still want it to be praised over the N-power aberration that has classify most graduates as worthless in the society. To dignify our labour force, every Nigerian graduates that has interest in public service and merit it must have right to direct recruitment into the service and those not interested should seek employment in other medium that should be dignified for graduates. Sincerely speaking, as a graduate, you can't make a home with 30k except maybe you don't understand that your position requires that you need to start being responsible for your parents, siblings, self and extended family as the case maybe.
6. Empowerment : Again, instead of the peanut of 30k given to graduates every month, the government should rather empower our graduates financially to setup businesses bothering on their area of specialization or chosen career, especially those with initiative and zeal to go solo creating job. As an example,  I'm a waperian/nysc/mdg initiative and now an employer of labour in my chosen career and area of study.  Nigeria has large market to consume every products of its entrepreneur. Government should stop an attempt at crippling the zeal for breakthrough in its youth.
7. Wide and Abnormal Disparity in Wages: To start with, the minimum wage needs an upward review to be in tandem with present economic reality. The government and or political leader should stop deceiving themselves with news paper propaganda.  The labour Congress is also a disgrace.
8. Abnormal levies and Multi-taxation : Here, government and or political leaders always want to make it seem that they are innocent or not aware of the anomaly.  An average working Nigerians face a very big challenge and threat from government agencies.  From fraudulent local government abnormal and unstructured level to abnormal state government levies and unstructured federal government unorganised taxing system.  Lets look at petroleum pump price, kerosene price, cooking gas price, transportation cost and the activities of the union of road transport workers who operate an unaccountable and unauditeded system of fraud just because they are political tools to politicians from federal to state and local government?
9. Agriculture : There's no small agricultural project. The greatest challenges or threat to agriculture is labour. Most people or individuals go into packaging of programs, organizing seminars and theoretical trainings about agriculture without knowing anything about agriculture.  Such acts only brings about fraud and deceit. If you want most school dropouts who now prefer to ride motorcycle or join road union activities to go back to the farmers must pay them their dues.  You must feed them.  You must make them have a sense of belonging.  You must inspire them. Personally, young boys working for me are daily fed and paid.  Aside working for me, an acre was given  to them for their personal benefit to cultivate and as they are doing my job they have the mind that they have their own to improve upon.  The various commercial banks need to be well checked and monitored by the federal government because most of the loans don't get to the target farmers but used for personal benefit of top executives of the banks. 
10. Genuine Love and Harmony in our various Homes: This is the most important of everything I listed. Let me start by saying that no home or family is founded poor in Nigeria. Every family in Nigeria has land by inheritance. Due to greed and lack of genuine love, family wealth that supposed to be used for the family glory is taken up most time by one person in the family to cater for himself. Based on my experience occasioned by the effort to survive l had lived with many families and I know that lack of love had led to  unimaginable hardship and spread of poverty instead of wealth.

We shall overcome!


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