With the ongoing trend about permission in marriages,many people are not ripe for marriage.
I had said that if you are not mentally ripe for marriage, don't go into it.
First lesson in determining if you are ripe for marriage is in detecting that you have developed the spirit of letting go. Once you are mentally matured, in marriage you would see that a woman's acts are naturally carved into them and not an attitude of witchcraft or wickedness. You would have prepared your mind as a man even before marriage in expectation of the unexpected in their behaviour and vice versa.
Now, how does permission works in marriage? It's a vital aspect of marriage and either party should know areas that permission is sought first before doing anything. It's not in all areas.
Personally, as a man,I believe strongly that my major assignment is to provide money, protect my family( I'm 100% alms at akimbo about this) and ensure moral disciplines in my children's life and academics and other thing is my wife's business and authority because she's attached to the home more compare to me and I believed strongly that she has right to give express permission to herself with discretion.
A matured woman knows her limit and understands wholely the verbal and nonverbal reaction of the husband.
As far as permission is concerned, it's built alongside the marriage based on the two party differences over time.
When courting, you will discover some.
I dated my wife for just one month and I knew she was the best for me. During those period, as a need to protect her, she accepted my instructions of where to go and where she shouldn't go. Secondly, till date, my wife never travelled anywhere alone. It's not about permission. It's about family cohesion and bond.
You must develop your own formulas around your home in order to operate maximally with peace without coercing one another as parents.
Permission is more like expecting the woman to obey your instructions as a man but it won't work in many areas as both of you grow old. Gradually, in marriage, a woman achieves levels of independency overtime and as it happened,a mature man gets adjusted and used to it. It doesn't mean disrespect.
Partners should be deep into themselves to know themselves better.
If seeking permission causes disagreement everytime, it not only mean that the partners are not mentally matured for marriage, it means also that they are living a secluded lifestyle within the home like: this is my room, that is your own toilet, this is my spoon, that is your car, this is not your own car, don't touchy shoes, don't wear my sleepers, you need your own separate television set in your room etc. In my own home, everyone has right to everything and every spot as far as you don't cause damage and you are very tidy about your engagement.
So, permission is dependent on different kinds of home and the mentality with which that marriage was set up.
Have your own formula and be comfortable with it. Don't force the formula of your own home on another person's home.
God won't come down to help us!!!
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